Why Playing With Fonts On Plastic Cups Is a Great Idea?

Plastic cups are used for branding all too often and to do it right, you would need the right tools in your arsenal. One of the main missiles, in this case, is the fonts used on a cup and playing around with that could start the embers of some truly revolutionary results. But you still don’t understand what difference fonts could make? Well, it’s not your fault, but we have taken the onus on us to make sure you understand the vast difference your custom styrofoam cups wholesale fonts could make. Want to find out? 1. It Attracts The Right Mood Fonts say more about the mood of your enterprise than you would hope for. If you don’t believe us then check out the font used for the Tom and Jerry cartoon. What did it spell out? It spelt fun in terms of color and the design and that is one of the things you remember most distinctly. That’s how your logo font should express your logo – if you have a pirate themed restaurant, then your font should clearly spell it out. Th...